The problem
There was a bug in Sandforce controller firmware that cause SSD locks itself usually (but not always) after sleep/hybernate and wakeup of OS occurs. The SSD completely diappears form PC including BIOS (not beiing detected at all).
You can find a lot of such complains around the web:
...and Google:
I get such SSD from my friend for free, he told me "take it or it is going into trash", so I decided try to fix it - at least just for fun.
How to fix that
!!! WARNING - this procedure describes how to FIX THE SSD without care of any data present on the drive !!!
Googling around I found these usefull links:
Prepare weapons
- Download MP Tool - I downloaded it from mirror mentioned above -, download these files:
- asiacom_SF1000_lic_20110815.lic
- fw_MP3_Patch2_3-4-6.dst
- mptool_mp2_v1-1-2.part1.rar (dunno why is listed twice on that google drive, both files are the same, download just one)
- mptool_mp2_v1-1-2.part2.rar
- mptool_mp2_v1-1-2.part3.rar
- Unpack mptool rar(s) to get mptool_mp2_v1-1-2.img
- Write the image onto USB drive (for example using "dd if=mptool_mp2_v1-1-2.img of=/dev/sdX" replacing sdX with your USB drive ofcourse)
- Copy asiacom_SF1000_lic_20110815.lic and fw_MP3_Patch2_3-4-6.dst onto root of USB drive
- Try to boot it - you shoud get Fedora desktop with MpTool icon on the desktop, shut it down
Prepare the SSD
SSD needs to be switched into lets say "factory mode" to talk with MP tool. You need to open it and short testpoints P8 and P9 together - I used small push button soldered on that pins, you need to hold it all the time from turning the PC on until MP tool detects the SSD.

Connect the SSD to the PC, disconnect all other SATA drives, set sata mode to AHCI in BIOS
Hold the button soldered to SSD, turn on the PC and boot from the USB drive prepared before, still holding the button
Configure MP according to russian instructions, select the right flash type (look at the flash chips on your PCB), capacity, you can make a custom model name as I did (dreadex2). ... more accurate description later

Switch to "Manufacturing mode" tab, drive will be visible here - click big button "Process drive, ..." at the top of the tab and it starts to process the drive - now release the soldered button you are still holding.

Pray :-)

Pray more :-)

Think about to buy Buger a beer, he also likes good Rum or Russian Vodka :-)

Click "Secure erase" button to erase and initialize the SSD - not sure what will happend if you skip this step - way to get bricked data? - I realized this just after clicking "Secure erase" button, too late, but you can try yourself...

Reboot and verify the SSD is visible in your BIOS now (withow holding the button), try to format it using regular formatting tools and try to copy some data onto it.

Desolder the button and put the PCB back into the box, njoy your fixed Vertex2.
!!! It may brick again and your data may (most probably will) get LOST !!!
Some people complains that: "When I launch MPTool from the Desktop an error appears in the background terminal window: insmod: error inserting ‘./ssdt_driver.ko’: -1 Operation not permitted"
So far I found that the problem is most probably related to the chipset (SATA controller) used on the motherboard of the PC you are trying to use for the procedure. I got exactly same error on Gigabyte GA-K8NE (quite old mobo, no AHCI option in BIOS) and MSI MS-7592 ver 7.1 (there is only IDE mode in the SATA options in BIOS, no AHCI) and MP tool was NOT ABLE to find / fix the SSD. Then I tried the same steps on Asus Z97M-plus and everything worked as expected, no ‘./ssdt_driver.ko’ error, SSD detected in MP tool.

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