Nodemcu modules
"Integrated" modules (with ESP on main board without shield)
- usually 4MB = 32Mbit flash
- set as "NodeMCU 1.0 (ESP12-E Module)" board in Arduino IDE
- upload speed 115200 or 921600
- Arduino IDE flashes these boards in DIO mode (there is no option to change this)
- when falshed using esptool or nodemcu pyflasher most of them I bought worked using "DIO" mode only (as Arduino does), when flashed in "QIO" mode it refused to start
Nodecu V3 (with shielded ESP12 module)
- the same as "Integrated" modules except these usualy (all I have) works using QIO mode also
ESP12F + separete USB-to-UART
- set as "Generic ESP8266 module" in Arduino IDE
- upload speed 115200
- select "Reset method" as "none"
- needs to be switched into flash mode manually before flashing / uploading (hold FLASH button and press RESET, release FLASH button)
- usually 4MB = 32Mbit flash
- usually (all I have) works using both DIO / QIO
Flashing tools
USB-to-UART Windows 7 x64 drivers
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